Meet our hard-working editors! While we have our specialities, we work as a team to view and discuss submissions. (You won't get extra points for addressing the correct editor in your submission email, but it will make them smile!)

Allie Warwick

Fiction Editor

Allie is a queer fantasy writer from Nottingham, UK. While she primarily sticks her nose into epic fantasy novels and mythological retellings (Greek, mostly), she has a soft spot for psychological, thriller, and pulp fiction.

Amy Marsh

Non-fiction Editor

Amy is a queer, feminist Creative Writing graduate from the little town of Worksop, UK. With ink-stained palms, she strives to give all her work the chatty and headstrong tone she's come to love for her readers' enjoyment.

Thalia Hawthorne

Poetry Editor

Thalia is a keen reader and writer of poetry, and has a passion for anything gothic. She lives in Cambridge with her four cats, and can often be found feeding pigeons in parks.

Ciara Goodwin

Art Editor

Ciara is a queer artist from York, UK. She's currently studying Illustration at the University of Lincoln, and spends her free time as Social Secretary for the Ultimate Frisbee Society.